How Custom Window Seals Help You Keep Up with Customer Demands
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“Custom” does not equal “too expensive”
We understand that when you hear the word custom, you might think to yourself, “Well, if they’re custom-making it, they must charge a fortune. Standard is fine for what I’m doing.” The word “custom” does usually imply cost, both in terms of actual monetary cost and the time it takes to produce.
However, the value you get from custom products often outweighs the monetary or timely costs. Custom fenestration products are no different. When you use fenestration products such as custom extruded seals or custom brush seals, your design will better meet your customer’s expectations, allowing you to make more sales and fewer customer service calls.
And besides, you can easily minimize the cost of custom fenestration solutions by finding the right partner who is able to oversee the entire manufacturing process, from storing raw materials to shipping the product directly to you.
Increase Your Product’s Energy Efficiency
It’s no secret that customers have been paying more and more attention to their windows’ energy efficiency before purchasing. For many, the Energy Star label is enough to prove the window’s energy efficiency, but you should also strive for the National Fenestration Rating Council label, which gives your product an independent rating in several energy performance categories.
Essentially, customers are much more likely to buy your product when you have these ratings because they show that your product will reduce heating and cooling costs down the road.
Custom fenestration products help you meet the requirements to obtain high energy efficiency ratings because they fit your design requirements perfectly. This means that if your design promises to withstand the cold temperatures of a Northern Canadian winter, your custom seal will have the proper adhesion and stability while maintaining the compression set resistance your design requires.
Improve Your Product’s Performance Against Storms
Those of us in the window and door industry have been improving our products to truly protect customers from storm damage for a long time.
Custom seals–weather seals, extruded seals, any seals–provide the best protection against storms because they are made specifically for your design. A standard seal can work well, but a seal that is made for your measurements, compression set resistance, closing force requirement, and functionality gives your design better adhesion and physical stability, meaning better performance against air flow, water, and storms.
Enhance Your Product’s Style and Look
You know that style is becoming more and more important to your customers. Custom seals can be made in custom colors to match your design and improve its aesthetic appeal. Also, seals made for your design’s application can reduce loss of functional height, so your design is always working and looking its best.
“Custom” does equal “higher quality final products”
As you upgrade your designs to become more in-tune with what your customers want, custom fenestration solutions are an easy upgrade you can make. They improve your design’s functionality, look, and performance.
Exceed your customer’s expectations. Talk to us about what custom fenestration products can do for you.
Posted on November 15, 2018