Category: Extruded Seals

September 1, 2018
If you’re promising your customers the best in door and window design, chances are you’re also promising them a unique product of the highest quality. Extruded seals give your doors…

June 19, 2018
For design engineers tasked with designing effective rubber seals, the earliest stages of the design process are critical. Selecting the proper type of material, designing with the appropriate criteria in…

June 5, 2018
Your company can’t afford to spend any extra revenue on extruded seals and weatherstripping products. Many factors can significantly impact the cost of your extrusion products, and it’s impossible to…

August 1, 2012
Today’s window and door designs demand a competitively priced seal with low closing forces and long term resiliency that will provide protection against short term and long term air and…